À suivre…
Born in Milan, I obtained the five-year Diploma in Art, figurative address, at the Art School « Bruno Cassinari » of Piacenza and, five years later, graduating with honors in Education, Professional Educator address at the University of Bologna.
After a few years in the field of adult social unrest, in which I have put in place several laboratories of expressive activity, I enrolled and graduated with honors in Illustration at the School of Applied Arts of Castello Sforzesco in Milan. I follow in the meantime workshops with Svjetlan Junakovic, Linda Wolfsgruber and Chiara Carrer.
I have received various awards, including the selection to « Pisa Next Talent » 2012, at the Museum of Graphic Art of Pisa, the publication of « Cenicienta » for the collective Fixionaria, Argentina and the selection for « Pinocchio Biennale 2014, » at the Luzzati Museum of Genoa.
I work with Italian and foreign publishers, like Centro Studi Erickson, ELI, Gaia Edizioni, Quercetti, Coccole Books, Internazionale, Gründ, Helbling Languages, Maison des Langues – Difusión and Les Petites Bulles éditions.
I live in Angoulême where I made an artistic residence at the Maison des Auteurs de la Cité International de la Bande Dessinée et de l’Image. Actually, I work like character designer for the new serie « Barbapapa », at the animation studio Normaal, in Angoulême.