Friday, 3.
In the morning, I go for taichi to the island like then. I take the path to the end.
– It’s like in a jungle here! Bamboo! And a palm tree over there!

There’s a ruin of some factory…

The water seems to be clean, I’ll take a bath here some day.

Maybe I could make an apple pie …

I had a lunch at that Indian place, so I’ve got their password!
– What’s the password, please?

But the wifi is so weak that I have almost to fall out of the window to download my mails.
So I am solving the dilemma wheather to stay at home, where it is more cosy and I can easily combine work and laziness, or in the studio, where it looks like in the night now, since we have to close all the shutters to prevent the heat, but there is good internet connection. So I’m running here and there several times a day, it’s not a big problem cause it’s like 3 minutes, stairs and elevator included.

Saturday, 4.
After the lunch I fall into a slobbery nap and then I was even more tired.
The heat chased me into a Museum where was – as I smartly anticipated – the air condition.

Sunday, 5.
Place du minage, late morning. It’ pleasant to be in the shadow at the fountain, for the first time I enjoy drawing outside in the town. Pigeons guard on the roofs around and they take turns flying to the fountain – bar.
It’s an oasis for everyone.

The sun moved and it starts roasting me. It must be already like 30° now. I’m getting weary of the hot, I can’t even make a big nice trip like this.

to be continued

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